Product picking robotic arms are becoming more and more popular. Reform and development in parallel with advanced technology in the 4.0 era bring many benefits to businesses in particular, as well as to production in general.

Robot arm has components including: Controller, Manipulator, Robot Grippers, sensor system, drive.
It depends on the type of product being handled as well as the needs of the manufacturing business. Here are some popular options of using robotic arm to pick up products.
+ Assembly: Use the robot arm to take a part (component…) from this conveyor belt and then put it on another part (component…).
+ Packing: Almost similar to assembly, instead of installing this part (component), the robot arm will put the product in the container.
+ Picking bins (Bin Picking): By equipping with high-tech identification sensors. The robot can take parts and products out of the box (even if there are many types of products in the box).
+ Inspection: With the integration of product inspection system (Vision system). The robot arm quickly checked.
The Robot Arm has the following components: Controller. Operator (Manipulator), Robot Grippers (Grippers), sensor system, drive.
2. Structure of the robot arm to pick up the product

Structure of the robot arm to pick up the product
The product arms have the same parts as a human arm: wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder joint, hand. The robot has 6 degrees of freedom allowing it to move in six different ways
The robot arm is made of cast iron or steel, built for the stand and wrist unit. Helps support lifting and arm movements. To control a complete robot, the product picking robot arm will include the following 3 parts:
2.1 Remote controll
This is the main receiver that directly controls the robotic arm that picks up the product to receive and process signals like a human brain. The signal can be pre-programmed and the robot arm will operate automatically. Depending on the requirements of each operation and the capacity to be handled, there will be a separate system. From simple to complex operations like. Determining coordinates, positions, passing points, etc. must all go through this department.
2.2 Arm parts
This is a mechanical part consisting of 4 parts: shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. Chung can make basic movements, easily and skillfully. The parts are connected to each other by sliding and rotating joints. Can move forward and backward or rotate around. The middle elbow allows the upper body to move but does not affect the bottom.
There are different types of grips on each type of robot arm. Some hands have the same delicious 5 design as regular hands. But there are some arms with only 2 to 3 fingers, there are some types with only 1 hook. Or mechanical hand grips, with large suction hooks that look like air bags.
2.3 Management and operation department:
This department will create the programs to install for the robot to perform. And instruct the robot to perform specific steps. The right software must come with a suitable and easy-to-use programming language.
When working, the operator will work on this part to set the parameters. This information is then transmitted to the controller. And the next operation will operate automatically.
3. Benefits of Product Picking Robot Arm

Benefits of Product Picking Robot Arm
The biggest benefit of using the robot arm in sorting and picking products is being able to handle the goods. Components at high speed and consistency. The Robot arm can be easily programmed in a variety of applications helping to meet production requirements. Along with that, the application of the collaborative robot arm is small and light. Will work well in many spaces, even small ones.
Using the robotic arm to pick up products increases production. Especially effective in the process of packing goods, building smart warehouses. Create high rate of return in production. The robotic arm that picks up products will replace humans doing repetitive and monotonous jobs.
4. See more details about automatic bag packing robot
4.1 Assembled Robot Arm
Installed robotic arms are used to provide manufacturing needs. It is possible to handle and process goods and components at high speed and synchronously. This robot is small, compact, and does not take up much space.
Robotic arm was established to help people reduce some jobs and repetitive boring steps.
At present, the robotic arm installation is popular One car, motorcycle, electronics factory.
4.2 Welding Robot Arm
Welding is a common stage in many manufacturing, manufacturing and optimization service industries. However, the welding steps are very toxic and dangerous for the workers. It is also subject to a lot of constraints on the professional qualifications of the staff. To fix it and fix it. The established welding robot arm helps to stabilize the capacity as well as the quality for the product line.
Welding robots are used in a multitude of industries. Has the effect of moving on two or more axes that are completely different. Some service industries use today: Welding, painting, barcode printing, labeling, …
4.3 Robot lifting – loading and unloading
Loading and unloading is always a heavy job with laborers. Therefore, the loading and unloading robot is designed to replace human power. Prevents heavy work.
The robot moves quickly, the operations are neatly processed, there is no redundancy in the processes. Save the budget is time, labor force, Expenditure. Increase productivity and gain high profits.
Lifting – loading robots are used to load and unload goods. And down the pallet in countless industries that produce from boxes. Cartons to the mechanical, electronic and food manufacturing industries.
Above is one of the useful information about the structure and software of the product robot arm. If you want to see more about the product line, please contact us through the following information for direct support and advice.